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Christian Comedian Leland Klassen is a stand-up, clean, Christian comedian that provides clean comedy for your outreach event, church ministry, Christian comedy night and more.
Dr. Jeff Myers is president of Summit Ministries, a highly respected worldview training program whose tens of thousands of graduates are making a difference in politics, law, academics, medicine, science, and business. In the last 20 years Dr. Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development. Focus on the Family founder James Dobson referred to him as “a very gifted and inspirational young leader.” 
Comedian, actor and 2013 winner of “Colorado’s Got Talent” comedy competition, Stacy Pederson uniquely blends comedy and speaking to the delight of audiences across the country 
A crowd-pleasing dueling-piano show like none other! Michael and Amy Pickering are full of high-energy fun - a perfect mix of clean comedy and your favorite sing-along music. From church outreach events to fundraisers and corporate gatherings, Michael and Amy never disappoint. 
As a former pastor, Matt Heard escorts us on a journey of discovery: that Jesus didn't come to save us from our humanity- Christ instead yearns to restore it to what God originally intended.  Matt seeks to articulate- in a comfortable, clear and compelling manner- truth that doesn't just inform but fuels and motivates transformation in practical ways.
baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">A.J. Swoboda (PhD, Birmingham) is assistant professor of Bible, theology and World Christianity at Bushnell University and lead mentor for the Doctor of Ministry Program at Fuller Theological Seminary on the Holy Spirit and Leadership. He is the author of many books, including After Doubt (Brazos). He lives, works, and raises chickens in Eugene, Oregon.
Christian Comedian Ruben Quintana is a clean, stand-up, multi-cultural comedian that provides clean comedy for church outreach or Christian comedy nights.
Brian Sumner is a professional skateboarder and passionate Christ follower. He is featured in the film Hardflip and most recently in part of the I Am Second church campaign. 
Christian Comedian Michael Rayner is an expert juggler, balancer and unicyclist that provides clean comedy for your church outreach or ministry event.
Christian Hollywood Producer, Founder of, and Passionate Speaker
Christian Speaker AC Green has won three NBA Championships with the L.A. Lakers and owns the NBA Iron Man Title, having played in 1,192 straight games.
Christian Comedian Pete McLeod is a stand-up comedian that provides a clean comedy act filled with a variety of musical parodies, audience interaction and stand-up comedy.
Christian Magician and Illusionist Dana Daniels and his bird, Luigi, provide clean Christian comedy for your church comedy night, Christian event or outreach ministry.
Christian Comedian Scott Wood is a stand-up comedian that focuses on impressions and punchline comedy and is perfect for Christian comedy nights or outreach events.
Carlos Oscar has been described as a lean, clean joke machine. From the moment he hits the stage his Motor-but-not-foul mouthed style captivates an audience. Perched on a stool and perpetually leaning in toward the crowd, he comes across less as an “act” but more as the guy everyone in the room wants to gather around because he’s 
got the best stories, hilariously told. 
Christian Comedian Nick Arnette is a stand-up comedian that provides clean, Christian comedy for church events, and is perfect for all ages.
Raised in a Jewish home in New Jersey, Rabbi  "Times Roman";">Jason Sobel dedicated much of his life to finding truth. After years of seeking and studying, he encountered the Lord and found his true destiny as a Jewish follower of Jesus (Yeshua). Suddenly, all the traditions Rabbi Jason grew up with took on new depth and meaning as God connected ancient wisdom with the teachings of the Messiah.
While growing up in San Jacinto, CA, Jeremy’s only goal in life was to leave home and join the Marine Corps. This dream was finally realized with an active duty commission in 1999. While in the Marine Corps, God was working in Jeremy’s life to turn his heart toward full-time ministry. Just one month after returning from Iraq, Jeremy became a staff member of his home church at Coastline Baptist in Oceanside, CA. After serving in the role of senior pastor for nearly seven years, the door leading to a full-time position with the Mighty Oaks Foundation opened.
His video 'Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus' has over 24 million views on YouTube! He is also the author of Jesus > Religion and blogs at  
Daniel Fusco is the lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church, which has campuses in Vancouver, Washington and Portland, Oregon. He is a conference speaker, a jazz musician, and published author of Ahead of the Curve, Honestly and Upward, Inward, Outward. He lives in Washington with his wife, Lynn, and their three children.
Sean McDowell challenges both young people and adults to deepen their walk with Christ. Sean mentored under his father, Josh McDowell, and is a popular speaker at churches, conferences, camps, and schools nationwide. 
The Panic Squad is an improv group that provides clean, audience-engaging, improv comedy for your church event or comedy night in the same manner as the hit show “Whose Line is it Anyway.” Passionate, funny, and a little crazy? The Panic Squad fits the bill!
Caleb Kaltenbach is the Lead Pastor of Discovery Church in Simi Valley, CA. He’s the author of Messy Grace and God of Tomorrow (2017 release).  In Messy Grace, Caleb writes about growing up in the LGBT community, finding Jesus, and learning that love doesn’t require a shift in theology.
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