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Dr. Kevin Leman is an internationally known Christian psychologist, speaker, parenting-expert, and award-winning author of the New York Times bestseller, Have A New Kid by Friday. He is a radio and television personality and has taught and entertained audiences worldwide with his wit and common sense psychology.
Whether it’s through speaking at “Lead Me Live” men’s conferences and events, at Family Life’s “Weekend To Remember” events, speaking on Kirk Cameron’s “Living Room Reset”, having his songs played on the radio, or writing books, Matt Hammitt’s heart and message is to help men and women everywhere move from ‘having good intentions to taking action’ in their marriages and families.    
Amie Patrick has served in a wide variety of ministry settings and leadership roles for 30 years, including pastoral ministry, church planting, women’s and music ministry. 
Chrystal Evans Hurst is an encourager who teaches people to love God, to love others, and to love themselves. Chrystal is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of 2. She is also a speaker and the best-selling author of She's Still There and Kingdom Woman, Show Up for Your Life and the newly released 28 Days of Prayer. 
Dr. Wess Stafford is President Emeritus of Compassion International, one of the world’s largest Christian child development organizations, partnering with more than 60 denominations and 7,000 local churches to serve nearly 2 million children in 26 countries. Wess is an internationally recognized advocate for children in poverty, speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Jay and Laura Laffoon are marriage "edu-tainers," combining education with entertainment. Their humorous and entertaining transparency offers couples permission to laugh with each other and courage to continue growing a future together.

normal; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;"> As a founding member of the band FFH (Far From Home). After selling over two million albums and playing thousands of concerts, Jeromy and his wife Jennifer moved to South Africa to begin to dream about their next chapter. They returned with a vision to live a quieter life and raise their family in a healthy, sustainable way. That vision led them to California where they served a local community and received the necessary training needed to direct others in their own healing. 

Erin Smalley has a passion to see women invest in healthy friendships and relationships!  She has authored and co authored many books with her husband, Dr Greg Smalley. Erin has also spoken at numerous marriage conferences for Focus on the Family. She is at ease in any setting where the audience is eager to grow in their family as well as spiritual relationships.
Ed Stetzer, Ph.D., is a professor and dean at Wheaton College where he also serves as Executive Director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center
Nathan Kistler has been working in Christian ministry in Washington DC for over 14 years.  Throughout those years of ministry, he and his wife (Amber) have had the great privilege of serving the most powerful people on the planet.  This opportunity to serve has given Nathan an acute understanding of the needs of Congress and the ability to share Jesus with these highly stressed Individuals.  Part of Nathan’s work has been to educate the church on how we can be known in the halls of power for our encouragement.  Nathan would be honored to come share in your church or event about the work his team is doing to share Jesus with lawmakers.