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Born and raised in Vivian, Louisiana, Phil Robertson came from a large family with 7 children and little money. Because of the location of his family home in a rural setting near Shreveport, and the aforementioned scarcity of money, hunting became an important part of his formative years. Never satisfied with the duck calls on the market, Phil began to experiment with making a call that would produce the exact sound of a duck. A duck call for duck killers, not for, as Phil described, “world champion-style duck callers.” Phil stated, “No duck would even place in a duck calling contest.” In 1972, Phil Robertson gave up a coaching career for his love of duck hunting when he whittled a better duck call than any on the market, the first Duck Commander call. His first year, Robertson sold $8,000 worth of duck calls and his wife, Kay, somehow managed to feed four boys on that salary. The same year, he received a patent for this call and in 1973, formed the Duck Commander Company.
Missy Robertson has learned to live life in the spotlight as she plays an important part in her family’s record-breaking reality television series, Duck Dynasty. Despite the increased publicity on her family, company and personal life, she has managed to become a strong voice for morality and virtue both locally and globally.
Terry Squires is a veteran author, speaker, television host and creator of many gift products for teens and adults. Her 20+ books include the bestselling  0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box;"> series, the Communicate Christ series, God’s Stories-My First Thoughts, Bible Stories for Bedtime, Ancient Heroes, created and contributed to the ONE Impact Bible, and now, I Seek Truth – Hachette/Worthy Publishing.
Nationally recognized Christian writer, blogger, and speaker. Matt is known through his writing and his speeches as a fierce and articulate defender of truth, moral values, and the Christian faith.
Charlie Ward, Jr. is a husband, father, mentor and coach who embodies the principles of integrity, hard work and faith in God. He inspires adults and youth alike in the way he carries himself and how he shows up in the world. Described as a once-in-a-lifetime athlete and a once-in-a-lifetime human being, Charlie’s character and his commitment to serve others are deeply respected in the sports community and far beyond. His calm demeanor and powerful leadership message of preparation, perseverance and patience set strong examples for business leaders, organizations, students and families.
On December 10, 2003, Kent Whitaker was faced with a level of tragedy that most of us will never experience. Yet, he chose to trust God when it didn’t make sense from a human perspective, and that decision changed his life.