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Dr. Jeff Myers is president of Summit Ministries, a highly respected worldview training program whose tens of thousands of graduates are making a difference in politics, law, academics, medicine, science, and business. In the last 20 years Dr. Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development. Focus on the Family founder James Dobson referred to him as “a very gifted and inspirational young leader.” 
His video 'Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus' has over 24 million views on YouTube! He is also the author of Jesus > Religion and blogs at  
Josh McDowell’s cutting-edge ministry has been reaching the spiritually skeptical for almost four decades, and he has touched the lives of more than seven million young people in 84 countries. Josh has written or co-written over 138 books on topics ranging from Christian apologetics to common problems facing youth.
Mark Mittelberg is a bestselling author, sought-after speaker, leading outreach strategist, and the Executive Director of the Center for Strategic Evangelism, in partnership with Houston Baptist University.  Mark’s passion for equipping people to defend their faith is uniquely approachable, humorous, and always very practical.
As a former pastor, Matt Heard escorts us on a journey of discovery: that Jesus didn't come to save us from our humanity- Christ instead yearns to restore it to what God originally intended.  Matt seeks to articulate- in a comfortable, clear and compelling manner- truth that doesn't just inform but fuels and motivates transformation in practical ways.
Michael Franzese was one of the most notorious mob bosses of the 80s. After 10 years in prison, this former “Prince of the Mafia” is now a man on a mission for the King of Kings. Michael’s amazing story and engaging delivery has brought record attendance to events all over the country.
Noel Albert Gugliemi is an American actor best known for his portrayals of Southern Californian gangsters. Gugliemi has received some notoriety for having played characters named Hector in several movies and TV shows
Raised in a Jewish home in New Jersey, Rabbi  "Times Roman";">Jason Sobel dedicated much of his life to finding truth. After years of seeking and studying, he encountered the Lord and found his true destiny as a Jewish follower of Jesus (Yeshua). Suddenly, all the traditions Rabbi Jason grew up with took on new depth and meaning as God connected ancient wisdom with the teachings of the Messiah.
Christian Entertainer Rick Alonzo, born in the Philippines, came to live in the United States at the age of 12. Rick uniquely and creatively proclaims the Gospel message to a generation stimulated by sight and sound. He travels across the United States working with Christian organizations and evangelical churches of all denominations to reach the lost for Jesus Christ.
Portrayed by Carrie Underwood in the movie, Soul Surfer, Sarah was instrumental in helping surfer Bethany Hamilton through a tragic shark attack that left Bethany with one arm. Sarah’s own past, which include suffering a broken neck and back in a surfing accident, helped prepare her and equip her in ministry.