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Daniel Fusco is the lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church, which has campuses in Vancouver, Washington and Portland, Oregon. He is a conference speaker, a jazz musician, and published author of Ahead of the Curve, Honestly and Upward, Inward, Outward. He lives in Washington with his wife, Lynn, and their three children.
Daniel Ritchie was born without arms and spent the majority of his life being told that he was a hopeless mistake and woefully insufficient to lead a full life.  But, God used a preacher to share with Daniel just how much God loved him.  The preacher explained that he was not a mistake, but rather “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139) and it was there, at the age of 15, that Daniel accepted Christ as his Lord & Savior.
Bill and Pam Farrel are international speakers and relationship specialists, dedicating themselves to building up marriages and families.
Bill Farrel has been challenging people for 30 years to be adventurous individuals of integrity. He has been a frequent speaker at Promise Keepers Canada and Iron Sharpens Iron events.
Jay Kim serves on staff at Vintage Faith Church in Santa Cruz, California, overseeing leadership and teaching. He also serves on the core leadership team at The ReGeneration Project, a collective of theologians, church leaders, and creatives working to help new generations engage Biblical theology and follow Jesus.
Sean McDowell challenges both young people and adults to deepen their walk with Christ. Sean mentored under his father, Josh McDowell, and is a popular speaker at churches, conferences, camps, and schools nationwide. 
Married in 1984, the Parrotts bring real-life examples to their speaking platform. Their professional training – Leslie as a marriage and family therapist, and Les as a clinical psychologist – ensures a presentation that is grounded, insightful and cutting-edge. ??
Dan Gordon is an Israeli-American screenwriter and author. He serves as Captain in the Israeli Defense Force in which he was the oldest to complete his elite unit’s grueling 40km overnight forced march and was awarded the only distinctive beret honor. Dan’s firsthand Israel experience makes him an expert on Israeli culture and Middle Eastern affairs.
Caleb Kaltenbach is the Lead Pastor of Discovery Church in Simi Valley, CA. He’s the author of Messy Grace and God of Tomorrow (2017 release).  In Messy Grace, Caleb writes about growing up in the LGBT community, finding Jesus, and learning that love doesn’t require a shift in theology.
Josh McDowell’s cutting-edge ministry has been reaching the spiritually skeptical for almost four decades, and he has touched the lives of more than seven million young people in 84 countries. Josh has written or co-written over 138 books on topics ranging from Christian apologetics to common problems facing youth.