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Dr. Cloud is a clinical psychologist, leadership consultant, best-selling author, and speaker. He has written and co-written more than twenty books, including the two-million-seller Boundaries, Necessary Endings, Integrity, The One Life Solution, The Law of Happiness, and 9 Things You Simply Must Do.
Former Atlanta Fire Chief who was suspended and then fired for the Christian views he expressed in a self-published book. 
Wayne Cordeiro is the Senior Pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship O’ahu, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His approachable style and innovation prowess makes him a widely sought speaker and leadership consultant; he often speaks at pastoral conferences across the country. 
Justin and Trisha Davis are the founders of RefineUs Marriage Ministries, with a mission to restore hope and renew relationships. 
From a Major General in the US Army, to the Campaign Chairman for Dr Ben Carson, there isn't much Robert "Bob" Dees hasn't done. Throughout his career, he has maintained focus and integrity while moving and motivating the men and women that surround him.  A natural leader, Bob Dees will speak to your audience on a number of topics that will leave them motivated and wanting more for their lives. 

normal; font-feature-settings: normal; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-variation-settings: normal;"> As a founding member of the band FFH (Far From Home). After selling over two million albums and playing thousands of concerts, Jeromy and his wife Jennifer moved to South Africa to begin to dream about their next chapter. They returned with a vision to live a quieter life and raise their family in a healthy, sustainable way. That vision led them to California where they served a local community and received the necessary training needed to direct others in their own healing. 

Son of Dr. Tony Evans and a former NFL fullback, Jonathan Evans now serves as the chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys.
Bill and Pam Farrel are international speakers and relationship specialists, dedicating themselves to building up marriages and families.
Bill Farrel has been challenging people for 30 years to be adventurous individuals of integrity. He has been a frequent speaker at Promise Keepers Canada and Iron Sharpens Iron events.
Michael Franzese was one of the most notorious mob bosses of the 80s. After 10 years in prison, this former “Prince of the Mafia” is now a man on a mission for the King of Kings. Michael’s amazing story and engaging delivery has brought record attendance to events all over the country.