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Former NFL quarterback, author, featured speaker at Iron Sharpens Iron men’s conferences who is passionate about marriage, family and leadership.
Award-winning journalist for ESPN. Published author. Founder of The K.I.N.G. Christian Men’s Movement. On-air NBA thought leader (ESPN, ABC). Chris is a game changer, fueling audiences with exciting new ideas, mindsets, attitudes and solutions.
One of the most accomplished and revered names in Thoroughbred racing. Hall of Fame jockey Pat Day enjoyed a riding career spanning 30 years with more than 8800 winning races, accumulating an all-time North American earnings record of 298 million. Now he is a Chaplain for Kentucky race tracks including Churchill Downs.
A living example that “Good guys CAN finish first!!”, Scott Hamilton is an Olympic Champion, cancer survivor, television broadcaster, motivational speaker, author, husband/father and eternal optimist!
Retired WCW and WWE Wrestling Champion, motivational speaker, and a Champion of Choices! Marc shares what his life was like as wrestler, working to become a champion yet abusing steroids and facing the loss of more than 30 friends and family members - mostly due to lifestyle choices and negative behaviors. God took Marc from tragedy to triumph. He now dedicates his life to sharing his story worldwide in order to inspire others to make positive choices and find true happiness through Jesus Christ.
A baseball legend, he was at the top of his MLB game in the 80s and 90s, winning a World Series with the New York Mets and three with with the New York Yankees. But life took a different turn after baseball. Drug abuse, house arrest, and rehab was just the beginning. Today Darryl is an ordained minister and Christian speaker. 
Tim Byrne is an Urban Missionary/ Pastor and Itinerant Evangelist under the leadership of the original Skatechurch in Portland, OR. As a Pro Skateboarder since the early 2000's, Tim has used his skating to reach hundreds of thousands with the Gospel.
Dave Dravecky is a former MLB player for the San Diego Padres and San Francisco Giants. When his pitching arm was amputated in 1991, Dave began a grueling journey to search for a new identity and sense of value. Dave’s riveting story addresses loss, suffering, hope, reaching out to others and saying goodbye to the past.
Christian Speaker Vic Murphy shares the Gospel as a world-renowned pro and pioneer in BMX and other extreme sports. He appears for youth groups, school assemblies and crusades that include Luis Palau Festivals and Horizon Festival of Life, along with frequent appearances on Extreme Life TV and on the Luis Palau DVD Livin’ It. Using humor and everyday illustrations, Vic communicates in today’s language the timeless truths and infallibility of the Bible.
Christian Speaker Bryan Jennings started Walking on Water in 1995 with a vision to use his surfing abilities to share his faith with junior high and high school students in the surrounding area. What began as an overnight camp for local adolescents has grown into a worldwide ministry for Christ that impacts the surfing community around the world. Bryan and his ministry have produced such surfing documentaries as Walking on Water, The Outsiders and Noah’s Arc.