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Lasting Love - 1 Sermon Digital Kit

SKU: CK2527067

With the "Lasting Love: God's Blueprint for Marriage" Kit, your church can explore God’s original design for marriage as a covenant, not a contract. While contracts are based on conditions and expectations, covenants are built on commitment, grace, and selfless love. Through the Scriptures, show how God created marriage to reflect His relationship with us. This 1-semon message will look into the "one flesh" principle, the significance of leaving and cleaving, and the reflection of Christ and the Church in marriage. We will also emphasize how God, as the witness to our marriage covenants, views their sacredness and calls us to honor them. Perfect for couples events, marriage classes and even marriage ceremonies.

This Kit includes:

  • One Sermon
  • Social media posts and motion videos
  • Sermon presentation graphics
  • Three videos including Bumper Trailers and Countdown

To download Lasting Love Sermon Sample click here.

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The Lasting Love: God’s Blueprint for Marriage Church Kit includes professional videos and short animations you can use for a one-day sermon, marriage event or wedding.

Beautiful Design on The Big Screen

Sermon slide backgrounds and Powerpoints! Want to have beautifully designed content to pair with your sermons but don’t want to spend hours creating slides? We’ve got you covered with engaging slide backgrounds and PPT templates included in the kit. There are even slides for your children’s ministry!

 Lasting Love: God’s Blueprint for Marriage Sermon Series Kit

Use Social Media to Create Excitement

Social media is a great tool to create excitement and engagement, but it can be hard - in the Lasting Love: God’s Blueprint for Marriage Church Kit, you do not need to stress about what to post to get the people in your community excited, the kit includes social posts and motion graphic videos!

 Lasting Love: God’s Blueprint for Marriage Sermon Series Kit