Friend Sunday Digital Church Kit
SKU: CK2300467
We were never meant to live life alone. There are far too many trials and difficulties to be able to navigate them all in and of ourselves. What we need is a good friend to help encourage us, sustain us, love us and believe in us. And the greatest friend ever is Jesus. The new Friend Sunday two-week church kit is designed to first challenge your congregation to boldly invite their neighbors and unchurched friends to come with them to church and then to introduce new visitors to Jesus who is their savior and friend.
The Kit includes:- Two customizable sermons
- 20 social and web graphics
- 5 videos including a countdown, two bumper videos, social intro video and a series trailer
- Sermon slide backgrounds in two sizes
- Social Media Guide
Coordinated invitation tools and banners are available for this kit!
All kit contents are licensed for online use and streaming.
The Friend Sunday digital church kit has all the videos that you need to inspire your members to invite their friends and then welcome visitors and make your service feel engaging and cohesive. This kit includes videos to invite and welcome visitors plus videos for your service.
Friend Sunday Welcome Bumper Preview
Friend Sunday Invite Video Preview
Beautiful Design on The Big Screen
Want to have beautifully-designed content to pair with sermons but don’t want to spend hours creating presentation slides? We have got you covered with engaging slide background graphics that work with Powerpoint or any other presentation software!

Use Social Media to Create Excitement
With all the social media graphics in The Friend Sunday digital church kit you do not need to stress about what to post to get the people in your community excited about your Friend Sunday service.

Don't Miss These Other Products
Get more resources to promote your Friend Sunday event! We have coordinated invitations, banners and so much more to help you invite people and make them feel welcome. The inviting starts here. Browse all of our products now!