Creatures of Habit Digital Church Kit
SKU: CK2338067
We are all creatures of habit. Each of us has a set of routines which can be helpful, but we can also easily get stuck in ruts that can set us back. We must be careful: What we believe determines what we do, and what we do determines who we become. This four week series explores how we can trade bad habits for good ones that glorify God and help us be the people God intends us to be.
This Digital Kit includes:- Four sermons - Series Topics Include: •Week 1 - Poison vs. Promises (Romans 12:2, Psalms 19:7-14 and 119:97)
- Social Media Posts and Motions
- Videos including: Countdown, Bumper, and Invite
- Sermon slide graphics and PPT template
- Four week Children's Lesson including graphic slides
•Week 2 - Stuff vs. Simplicity (Philippians 4:11-13 and Matthew 6:25-27 and 6:33)
•Week 3 - Worry vs. Worship (Luke 10:38-42)
•Week 4 - Conceal vs. Confess (Luke 18:9-13, James 1:22-24 and 5:16, Proverbs 28:13)
To download the Creatures of Habit Sermon Sample click here.
Creatures of Habit Church Kit includes all the videos you need to inspire your members to invite their friends and then welcome visitors and make your service feel engaging and cohesive. This kit includes videos to invite and welcome visitors plus videos for your service.
Beautiful Design on The Big Screen
Want to have beautifully-designed content to pair with sermons but don’t want to spend hours creating presentation slides? We have got you covered with engaging slide background graphics that work with Powerpoint or any other presentation software!

Use Social Media to Create Excitement
Creatures of Habit Church Kit includes both social media post graphics. With this kit, you won’t be stressed about what to post to get the people in your community excited about your service.