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Communion with The Chosen 1 Week Sermon Kit

SKU: CK2524967

Lead your congregation through a special time of Communion by leveraging the power of a scene from The Chosen: Last Supper.

This FREE resource outlines a 12- to 15-minute experience that features:

  • An unreleased clip* from The Chosen
  • A customizable map outline for offering a meaningful meditation and a memorable time of celebrating the Communion elements
  • Key art from Season 5 of The Chosen
  • Social media graphics
  • Countdown timer video

*Note: Clips can only be used in a church service. Clips can be streamed as part of a service but may not be posted separately to YouTube, Meta, or other platforms.

We know that protecting your church’s livestream is paramount to your ministry. Every clip has been cleared and verified by our record label to ensure that your livestream will not receive a copyright strike from any of the Rights Holders on Meta platforms or YouTube.

Free with Subscription

